Historical Characteristics Analysis
Average Analysis
Please select a district and season type.
Analogue Year Analysis
Select the district and the analogue year to view the graph
Pentad Date Converter
Start: -
End: -
Seasonal Rainfall Analysis
Please select a district and year to view rainfall summary.
General Agricultural Advisories
Planting Period
- Use mulching to conserve soil moisture
- Plant drought-tolerant and short-maturing varieties
- Implement staggered planting to spread risk
- Practice soil and water conservation techniques
Growing Period
- Monitor and control crop diseases
- Practice timely weeding and crop management
- Maintain proper water management
- Apply recommended fertilizers when needed
- Use proper drying techniques
- Store in clean, dry conditions using recommended storage solutions
- Monitor moisture content during storage
- Use appropriate storage facilities (silos, super bags, etc.)
Crop-Specific Advisory
Please select a crop to view specific advisories.