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Longe 5 (Nalongo)

Description: Quality Protein Maize(double lysine and tryptophane level)

Yield: 1.0 - 1.6 ton/acre

Spacing: 75cm x 35cm(1 seed)
              90cm x 40cm (2 seeds)

Seed rate: 10kg/acre

Plant population: 16,000 plants/acre for low potential, low input and dry area's 30,000 plants/ha for high potential, high inputs and good rains/irrigation.

Maturity: 115 days

Longe 7H

Description: Snow white grain, good yields, high resistance to MSV, GLS and NLB resistant. Lodging resistant, tasty flavor

Yield: 2.8-3.4 ton/acre

Spacing: 75cm x 35cm(1 seed)
              90cm x 40cm (2 seeds)

Seed rate: 10kg/acre

Plant population: 16,000 plants/acre for low potential, low input and dry area's 30,000 plants/ha for high potential, high inputs and good rains/irrigation.

Maturity: 120 days

Longe 10H

Description: High yields, ideal for mild altitude, bred with drought and strong pest resistance. Erect leaves and good lodging resistance. MSV, GKS, NLB and turcicum resistance.

Yield: 3.0-3.6 ton/acre

Spacing: 75cm x 35cm(1 seed)
              90cm x 40cm (2 seeds)

Seed rate: 10kg/acre

Plant population: 16,000 plants/acre for low potential, low input and dry area's 30,000 plants/ha for high potential, high inputs and good rains/irrigation.

Maturity: 120 days


Expected yield: 4 - 7 tons/acre

Growing cycle: 120 - 135 days

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle: 55 - 70 days

Maturity: 65 days


Yield: 2 - 5 tons/ha

Growing cycle: 120 - 125 days

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle: 55 - 65 days

Maturity: 55 days


Year of Release: 2010

Altitude : low to mid

Seed rate: 25-30kg/acre

Expected yield: 0.7-0.8 tons/acre

Maturity: 58 - 70 days


Description: pink red tan speckles, tolerant to anthracnose, BCMV, ALS, root rots amd mpst other diseases.

Yield: 2.0 - 2.5 ton/ha

Spacing: 30 x 45 cm

Maturity: 64 - 75 days

Seremi 2

Characteristics : Early maturity, resistant to blast, resistant to lodging, used for food/brewing

Expected Yield: 2.0 ton/ha, 0.8ton/acre

Altitude: medium

Maturity period :70 - 90 days


Description: Resistant to stem rust and yellow rust, tolerant to soil acidity

Altitude : 1000 - 1600

Seed rate: 25-30kg/acre

Expected yield: 1.5 - 2.0 tons/acre

Maturity: 120 days


Description: Resistant to stem rust and yellow rust, tolerant to soil acidity

Altitude : 1000 - 1600

Seed rate: 25-30kg/acre

Expected yield: 1.5 - 2.0 tons/acre

Maturity: 120 days


Description: Resistant to stem rust and yellow rust, tolerant to soil acidity

Altitude : 1000 - 1600

Seed rate: 25-30kg/acre

Expected yield: 1.5 - 2.0 tons/acre

Maturity: 120 days


Description: Resistant to stem rust and yellow rust, tolerant to soil acidity

Altitude : 1000 - 1600

Yield: 1.5 - 2.0 ton/ha

Spacing: 30 x 45 cm

Maturity: 120 days


Expected yield: 10 tons/ha/year

Growing cycle: 10 - 17 months after planting

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle: 26 to 32 leaves before flowering.

Maturity: After flowering 2-3 moths bunch maturity


Yield: 10 tons/ha/year

Growing cycle: 10 - 15 months after planting

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle:25-28 leaves before flowering.

Maturity: 2.5 months


Yield: 10 tons/ha/year

Growing cycle: 10 - 13 months

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle:25-28 leaves before flowering.

Maturity: 2 months


Expected yield: 25 - 45 tons/acre

Growing cycle: 18 months

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle: 7 months

Maturity: 11 months


Yield: 30 - 45 tons/ha

Growing cycle: 12 months

Flowering / tuber / initiation / berry cycle: 6 months

Maturity: 6 months